Friday, November 20, 2009

4th and 1

So it's been a long week and all I keep hearing about is Bill Belichick's infamous 4th and 1 call in last Sunday nights game against the Colts. I mean this is getting drug out worse than Watergate. Who in the hell cares if he gambled and the Colts defense called his bluff? I know I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I mean if anything, it shows that the man has balls enough to go for it on his own 28 yard line. Belichick definitely did not play the numbers game or he would have punted the ball. I believe it was arrogance, he thought his offense was good enough to shove it one yard down the Colts defenses throat. Well guess what Billy? It didn't work out the way you planned. Now if we could just get ESPN to stop giving us the daily updates on the call, life would be better. Here's a news flash, Bill let it go and so should you.

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