Thursday, August 26, 2010

College Football Kickoff

Well boys and girls, college football season is right around the corner. You can all most smell the charcoal and beer from the tailgate. What a good way to kill a whole Saturday by the tv and ignore the honey do list. This years college football season kicks off on Thursday September 2nd with the headlining game being Marshall at Ohio State. I'm going to have to agree with Vegas on this one and not give the Thundering Heard much of a sporting chance. Hell the line on the game is right around 29 at the moment. I don't know about the rest of you college football fans, but I would like to have seen a better matchup for the first day of season.

The labor day game should be the final signal of the start of College Football season, but gone are the days of Florida State Vs Miami. This year we get to see two top ten teams in Virginia Tech and Boise State. This should be a home game for the Hokies, but i believe they will falter throughout the course of the game. We will be continuing our Lock of the Week section for all the gamblers out there and maybe we'll even get a few expert opinions. So let's get ready for some football.

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