Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Return of the 40 Year Old QB

2009-11-22 Brett Favre 35-9 042

Like any of us couldn't see this one coming. Ageless wonder Brett Favre will don the Purple and White for one more season, his 20th in the NFL. Now I like Brett Favre and I believe that he has the right to walk away from the game whenever he is good and ready, but Jesus. Is it worth all this mess for one last shot a glory? Hell, obviously Brett could play until he's 50, but there comes a time when you need to unwind and maybe settle into a life of sleeping in and fishing. We will probably be sitting around this time next year talking about the same ole same ole, or the Vikings could win it all and let Brett ride off into the sunset. Guess we'll have to see.

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